[Geysers] YNP slide file

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Nov 28 16:01:22 PST 2005

Some corrections as I browse (and to keep an item or two on this list ! ).  I 
hope this will get passed on to whoever might be able to make the corrections 
 in the online slide file.
Upper Geyser Basin
05853 (page 8) shows Heart Spring, NOT Depression Geyser
05863 (page 8) shows Spiteful Geyser, NOT "small geyser near Castle"
10099 (page 11) shows Old Faithful !!!, NOT Grand Geyser
Norris Geyser Basin
05373 and 05374 (page 2) show Blood Geyser (at Artists Paint Pots)
11070 shows Gibbon Hill Geyser, NOT simply Gibbon Geyser
11072 shows Orby Geyser, NOT Orley Geyser
And as I know got mentioned before, all these throughout the pages ought to  
have "Geyser" rather than "geyser" when it is part of the feature name.
Scott Bryan
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