[Geysers] Linda Wang

kwang at comphealth.com kwang at comphealth.com
Wed May 25 08:29:38 PDT 2005

It is with deep regret that I am informing the geyser community of the 
passing of my mother Linda Wang on May 20.  She had a short battle with 
pneumonia that took her life unexpectedly.

For many years we enjoyed visiting Yellowstone twice each year to watch 
geysers and to renew friendships with so many of the gazers.  She 
especially enjoyed watching Grand and Beehive geysers whenever possible. 
While her health did not allow her to make significant physical exertions 
in Yellowstone, she would daily plan to get as close as possible to Grand 
Geyser for an eruption.

Thanks to so many of you for the many enjoyable experiences you have 
shared with our family.  While she had not been able to visit Yellowstone 
for nearly 2 years, she always looked forward to the SPUT and any news 
about the geysers.

Should anyone in the Salt Lake area, or anywhere else, wish to have 
information about funeral services, please contact me personally.

Kristian Wang
Salt Lake City
kwang at comphealth.com   or    bjornwang at msn.com
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