[Geysers] Geyser Report 3-11-05

Mike Keller KSCOPE_YNP at peoplepc.com
Thu Mar 10 19:12:57 PST 2005

Spring has arrived in YNP!


Little Squirt was active on 3-9


Aurum at 1059 and 1433


Beehive erupted today before sunrise


Plume was erupting every 50-70 minutes


Sawmill was active all day.  Following a 4+ hour eruption Penta was seen in
steam phase at 1732ie


Grand 0854 (?/T1C) and 1539 (?/T1C).  Rift started at 1547.  Yippie


Oblong was half full at 0930 and erupted again at 1648


Giant had hot periods at appx 0920, 1116 (d=7:19), 1416 (d=5:20), and 1705
(d=8:22).  On the two hot periods lasting over 7 minutes, Mastiff overflowed
heavily and surged to a foot.


Grotto at 0924, started by "Startling" Geyser, ending at 1055, then again at
1359 (GF at 1356), ending at 1520.


Fan and Mortar erupted overnight 3/6 to 3/7.  There were no event cycles
during daylight hours today.




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