[Geysers] Underwater vents (Dave Taylor out of office notice)

Dave TAYLOR DTAYLOR at weber.edu
Fri Mar 4 17:14:57 PST 2005

I will be out of the office from Thurs. March 3 until Tuesday March 15.

I will be monitoring my email during this time, however, my response may
be delayed.  If you need immediate assistance, please contact Marshall
Wolthuis (ext. 8071).  Otherwise, I'll reply as soon as possible.

>>> geysers 03/04/05 12:18 >>>

I found this article on the web:


This is a curious discovery, and I thought similar to what might be
discovered at Mammoth if Mammoth was 2 miles underwater.

Dave Taylor
S.A. Webmaster

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

-- Groucho Marx

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