[Geysers] "Topsoil Spring" (Stephens)

lynn stephens lstephens.eagle at mail.sisna.com
Sun Jun 26 13:57:59 PDT 2005

Phil Landis suggested the name in his 1988 Report.  

pl 115:  "Topsoil" Spring:  The Spring's outer rim is oval-shaped and about 3 x 2 feet.  This small intermittent spring remained in constant trickle overflow until I removed several large flat rocks from the bottom of the pool.  This clean-up exposed the spring's source which amounts to a group of perforations at the base of the soup-bowl shaped spring.  The pool then displayed random, periodic overflow separated by occasional pool levels 1-3 inches below overflow.  No bubbling was observed before or after cleanup.  Fluctuations in pool level did not appear to relate to eruptions of Grand Geyser.  I suggest the name Topsoil Spring because the grey-black sediment in the pool looks just like the richest topsoil any farmer could ask for.

Lynn Stephens
SISNA...more service, less money.

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