[Geysers] Steamboat Geyser

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Fri Jul 15 19:26:29 PDT 2005

I heard that Dave Goldberg visited Norris twice this week and saw about 70%


We all know that this sort of activity can just peter out, or be rudely
interrupted by a disturbance (which means the caldera is going to blow!!!
Run Away!!!)  Or just sort of meander on and on.


Would this report make me take a trip or two or three to Norris, at least on
mornings/evenings when F&M aren't due?  Sure.  It's an uptick in activity
from the appox. 40% concerted of three weeks ago.  A couple of data points
several weeks apart isn't enough to get me very excited, but it at least
piqued my interest.


We'll be in the park for two weeks beginning next Saturday, and I'll
probably make a couple trips up there to check it out.  If any of you are
now in the park and F&M aren't due and you're up early, nothing wrong with a
little field trip.  


Paul S.


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