[Geysers] Geyser report from New Zealand

Tara Cross fanandmortar at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 24 14:55:09 PST 2005

Dave and I merely wished to convey our impression of the "Lady Knox 
experience," which is quite different from what geyser gazers would normally 
encounter in Yellowstone (and, indeed, the other geysers areas in New 
Zealand).  Our comment was not meant to disregard the historical or 
geological significance of Lady Knox Geyser, or to offend any of our kind 
hosts in New Zealand.

In fact we found Waiotapu to be a fascinating place to visit, with thermal 
features the likes of which we had never seen in Yellowstone.  It is our 
understanding that there are other, smaller geysers at Waiotapu, including 
Waiotapu Geyser, which we apparentyl missed by not too long, as the water 
around the vent was warm when we passed through.

Lady Knox itself is a fine geyser in a lovely setting.  According to our 
guide, it is capable of erupting on its own, but the soaping provides the 
opportunity for many (MANY) visitors to see a fine geyser in a unique 
thermal area.

Tara Cross

fanandmortar at hotmail.com

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