[Geysers] April SPUT

Freund, Udo udo.freund at lmco.com
Wed Apr 20 11:25:52 PDT 2005

The April issue of "The Geyser Gazer Sput" is now in the mail.  This is
a new record for size and content; 40 pages of articles with photos,
graphs, and detailed data analysis.  Many thanks to all who contributed
and to Genean and Tom Dunn for another excellent editing job.  It is an
awesome read.

A Model of an Irregular Geyser
Effects of Errors on the Calculated Value of the Mean Interval
The Geyser Gazer Sput Index, Volume 18
The Upper Springs of the Upper Geyser Basin - a Summary
Geyser Activity in 2004 from the Data Logger Record (GOSA subscribers
contribute to the purchase of data logging devices.  Thanks.)
Early Spring 2005 Geyser Activity
Transactions Volume X
plus the usual:
Geyser Gazer News

Please consider contributing photos and/or articles to future editions.
The next issue is due out in June - not that far away.

Udo Freund
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