[Geysers] Geyser report: Giant Hot Periods since the Sept 26th eruption

Graham Meech meechg at erols.com
Mon Oct 11 18:11:32 PDT 2004

I have just returned home following a great two weeks in the park and will
make several posts but I wanted to report on the recent Giant hot periods
first since I saw a few of them and they do look good to me.  I was too
tired to stay out on Sunday 26th after the 1856 hot period and was not a
happy gazer when I went down there early on Monday and saw the signs
rearranged overnight by Giant at 2235.  Grrrrrrrr.


The hot periods were strong when I left the park on Sunday 10th with a
couple each day in the 7-9m range.  The strongest appear to be during
Marathon recovery.  The last day’s data (10/9) has two hot periods over 9
minutes long, 7h 21m apart, the first occurring just over 2 hours after the
Marathon and there were no small hot periods between them.  That was
different to the behavior seen before where weak hot periods were occurring
on intervals of 1½ to 4½ hours and strong hot periods were occurring 5-11
hours apart.


Thanks to everyone that called hot period activity to help fill in some of
the gaps in the data.


Thursday 9/30/04


0537 d=3m 25s feather and SW vents, no Feather Satellite or Mastiff


1101 d=3m 45s Feather and a little Mastiff overflow.


1345vr weak, some Mastiff overflow and posthole was active when I saw the


Friday 10/1/04


0832 d=8m 25s Feather, SW vents, Rust, Mastiff overflow.  Slow to start no
significant Mastiff surging but Giant did some vertical surges vertically
from the left side of the cone.  Feather attempted to restart but only


1201 bathtub


Between 1300 and 1340, India ¾ wet.


Before 1600 – platform wet again


1722 d=7m Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust, SW vents, Mastiff to 2’, Feather
restarted for approximately 2 minutes.  India ¾ wet.  Strong vertical
surging from giant, ~15 second jet of water from Giant out of the top right
side of the cone (more vertical than the left right splashes that come out
of the bite, this was coming out over the top of the cone).


Saturday 10/2/04


0749 d=7m 40s better Mastiff overflow, India completely wet, couldn’t see
the surging due to steam.  Feather, Feather Satellite, SW vents and Rust.


0942 d=2m 35s slight Mastiff overflow, SW vents started before Feather, no
Feather Satellite.


1215 d=1m 30s Feather and SW vents only


1505ie d > 6 ½m Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust and SW vents.  Mastiff 3-4’
surges.  Overflow stronger, running over the whole of India.


Sunday 10/3/04


0648ie near end but the overflow was strong, running over the whole of


1112 d=4m 25s Feather SW vents and Mastiff overflow but India did not get


Monday 10/4/04


My notes are not clear but I believe Grotto had a marathon overnight, ending
before 0500.


1146 d=9m 50s India flooded 4 minutes into hot period, heavy overflow but
not much surging.  Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust and SW vents.


1453 d=3m 30s India 1/3 wet, Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust and SW vents.


1704 d=6m Some Mastiff surging, India 2/3 wet, Feather, Feather Satellite,
and SW vents.


1840 d=2m Feather and SW vents only


2141 d=8m 10s slow start hot period but god overflow with India all wet.
Feather, Feather Satellite, and SW vents.


Tuesday 10/5/04


0430 d=8m 5s slow like the last hot period seen, India wet at the end.


0742 d=4m 35s Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust and SW vents, weak Mastiff


0951 d=8m 30s Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust and SW vents, Mastiff
overflow was quite strong but India was only ~80% wet.


1314 d=3m 45s Feather, Rust and SW vents only


1447 d=4m 10s Feather and SW vents.


1734 d=8m 30s Mastiff surging 3-4’, Feather restarted for about 1 ½ m.  Good
vertical surging from Giant in the afterplay.  India completely wet.


Wednesday 10/6/04


Grotto in marathon which ended ~ 0800.


1132 d=9m 20s Mastiff surging 2-4’ at times.  India flooded, Feather
restarted for over a minute.


1615 d=5m 5s Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust and SW vents and Mastiff
overflow but not much surging.


1955 d~8 ½m Good overflow, could hear Mastiff surging but could not see it
through the steam.  Feather restarted for approximately 2 minutes


Thursday 10/7/04


0557 d=8m 25s India flooded 5 1/2 m into the hot period, Bijou went into
roaring steam.


1339 d=9m strong overflow, boiling in Cave but it did not erupt.


1700vr, weak, India only slightly wet.


1835 d=2m very little Mastiff overflow, Feather, Feather Satellite, and SW


2006 d=7m good Mastiff overflow, India flooded 5 minutes into the hot


Friday 10/8/04


0511ie, ended 0515, good Mastiff overflow, probably a 7-8 minute hot period,
Feather, Feather Satellite, and SW vents visible.  


Grotto marathon starts 0644


Saturday 10/9/04


Grotto finished its marathon ~ 0817 (d~25 ½ hours)


1030 d=9m40s some Mastiff surging, Feather restarted, good Giant vertical
surges in afterplay.


1443 bathtub


1751 d=9m 10s good overflow but not as strong as the recovery hot period at
1030.  No attempt by Feather to restart.  There were no small hot periods
between the 1030 and 1751 hot periods and only the one bathtub as Giant was
under observation all day.


Go Giant go!


Graham Meech


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