[Geysers] YNP web videos

MTSmokey mtsmokey at usadig.com
Tue Nov 30 19:52:05 PST 2004


Thanks for this link.  I have been watching them put new pieces on it.  
If anyone has a look at the Norris Geyser Basin video, please notice 
that the feature they have labeled as "Constant Geyser" is not 
Constant.  But is actually Arsenic.
I sent off an email to see if they will correct this.  If anyone else 
would like to comment on it (the more comments, the better chance of 
fixing the error) there is a link at the bottom of the page to send 
comments to the web folks.
I hope we can get it fixed before yet another "name swap" happens at Norris.

       Take Care,

             Smokey Sturtevant

Freund, Udo wrote:

> An article in this morning's Billing Gazette listed a new URL for 
> videos taken in the Park: http://www.nps.gov/yell/videos/index.htm
> There are geyser videos among them for those of us needing an 
> off-season fix.  Enjoy!
> Happy holidays
> Udo Freund
>Geysers mailing list
>Geysers at wwc.edu
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