[Geysers] Grandmother announcement

lynn stephens lstephens.eagle at mail.sisna.com
Mon Nov 29 15:33:13 PST 2004

Date:  November 29, 2004
From:  Lynn Stephens

My son-in-law, Jeff, just called to let me know that Connor James Howard
arrived this morning (11/29) at 11:01 MST.  Erin had called last night to
let me know that the doctor had scheduled the C-section for this morning.
Mother and baby are both doing fine.  His picture should be posted within
the next day or so http://www.bozemandeaconess.org/virtualnursery.php.
For the first time in many years, I will not be making a December trip to
Old Faithful.  Instead, I'm going to be playing grandma.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday season.

Lynn Stephens 
SISNA...more service, less money.

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